Daysix continued pt2

Evida's Diary: Day Six continued

“He did. Kind of predictable I suppose. Then she said, “Right, let's duel to the death,” and I said “bring it on pint size”.”
“You killed your girlfriend, didn't you?”
“I did. Fortunately she attacked me first. But now I want to get the gnome that told her.”
“Can't you just slap a three day ban on him? You're a GM. You can do that stuff.”
“I might. But Three Days Is Not Enough. He Killed My Girlfriend. Say, could you do something about that?”
“Um.... Won't you get into trouble for killing your girlfriend?”
“She was a gold seller, so not really.”
“What? You dated a gold seller?”  There was a long pause.
“Anyway,” said GM Unspellabull after a while, “I'm prepared to make it worth your while if you do this for me.”
“No need,” I said. ”Gnome killing is what I do. Your thanks will be You don't find anything strange here?”
“Nope,” said the GM.
“I am sorting out your problem. You're the GM. I thought you had mad skills.”
“I do. I will transfer you to your guild’s new realm for nothing,” he promised.
GM Unspellabull quickly gave me the lowdown on the gnome Cuddlyheehee, a brief description, his daytime job as a short order cook at Tiny’s Burger Bar in Dalaran, and an even briefer description of a Stormwind club, where I’d find him at night.
“I'll make short work of him,” I promised. “I’ll cut him down to size.” Then I paused. Yes, we were probably done here. “Is there anytthing else you need from me today?” I asked.
“No thank you that's everything,” he said. “You've been very kind. Except.... Could you tell me a joke?”
“I thought I was supposed to ask you that.” I was lousy at telling jokes, perhaps because I so rarely understood them.
“The letter bomb took out the joke book,” he confessed.
I thought furiously. “Um why is a warrior like a gold seller?”
“I dont know.”
“Because he charges too much.” I said.
            There was silence. “That's not very good you know,” said GM Unspellabull.
            “Ok. How about, why is Garrosh Hellscream like Thrall?”
“I don't know.”
“Because they are both War Chiefs.”
“Sorry,” he mooed. “I don't get that.”
“Ok. A gnome walks off a cliff.”
“No that's it. It always makes me laugh when that happens.”
Oh yes, quite funny really.”
“And, a gnome, a dwarf, a human, a worgen and a draenei fall off a cliff.”
“Wait a minute,” said the GM. “Let me write these down.“
When GM Unspellabull had finally gone, I prepared my cunning plan for gnome capture and eradication. It would be so simple. I would be back with my guild, tormenting Forst, by tomorrow easily.


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